pointytilly.net - Zoids!
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News and updates
For raw content and other on-topic rambling, you can check out my LiveJournal under the Zoids and site tags. Anonymous comments are on (just screened to prevent spam), so you don't need an account to reply.Last updated March 8th
Clear Molga's review is updated with pictures, the better of which are mirrored on Flickr. Still working on that Hiou review. Really.
Note: I'm still in the process of switching hosts. Beware missing linked images in reviews (thumbnailed ones should be okay), and screenshots and AMVs and such are mostly nonexistent right now. Please, no "it's broken!" e-mails until this note's taken down, because...well, I know it's broken. I just have to sort it all out and reupload it with dialup.
2008 updates - 2007 updates - 2006 updates - 2005 updates
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Takara-Tomy's Zoids Ultimate Web | The old Zoids content is long gone - but it has updates on more current stuff, including Liger D's blog. |
Tomy's Zoids Tactics site | Notable mostly for the character profiles, which feature a lot of battle story people - Tactics is another one of those "smash universes together" games. Also good for character refs is the Zoids Versus site. |
ShoPro's (newer) Zoids anime site | Covers all four series - most notable right now are the stills of many CG models involved. |
Mercy Rabbit's Zoids Works | Zoids art as seen in Zoids Generations and on a number of boxes. Also includes a number of rather creative Blox bashes. Be warned, NSFW content elsewhere on the site (as Mercy Rabbit is also a hentai artist). |
Michiro Ueyama's homepage | That is, the man responsible for the CC manga, which ended rather adruptly. He has a continuation online, which sadly lacks in furigana, much less an English translation. |
Hasbro: Zoids instructions | The Zoids content itself is long-dead, but you can still find the manual for many a critter here. |
Sample Review Page Code
Many people consider these part of the new Japanese releases - I separate them, as there's no battle story. They featured uniform box designs (Fuzors' are particularly cool) and each Zoid in Fuzors and Genesis carried the same flavor text tailored to tie in with their respective anime series.Fuzors
Blade Liger BICommand Striker (w/ Blox CP)
Dark Horn (TDP Limited)New!
Gorhecks (NJR and Fuzors)Updated!
Bio MegaraptorBio Megaraptor Glearmd
Command Wolf (NJR, Irvine, AC, LC, Leoshop black/gold)
Dekalt Dragon New!
Hayate Liger
Murasame Liger
Limited and WTF
Brave Jaguar (my one lonely Neo Blox)Kotobukiya High-End Master Model Command Wolf LC
Liger Red Hiou New!
Nostalgia-Powered Rereleases
Tomy's been doing a lot of these recently. Since they're not exactly like their OJR counterparts and the Graphics line comes with additional materials, it's separate section time.
Toy's Dream Project (and others)
Battle RoverGreat Sabre
Helic Memorial Box (first 5 windups)
Mammoth (Core Box reissue)
Shield Liger MK.II